Thursday, September 22, 2016

End of Term Three

Here are some more photos of what we have been up to over the last few weeks of Term Three. We have had book character day, which was very exciting and we had an awesome turn out of outfits and characters. We were lucky enough to have Mr Melrose read to us, we got to read with our buddy class (room 13) and have an outfit parade. We also had love of reading week this week and read lots of Lynley Dodd stories and did Hairy Mclary book reviews. We also baked Hairy Mclary dog biscuits with chocolate icing! Check out our photos below. 

Monday, August 15, 2016

Room 2's Assembly!

On Friday the 5th of August it was Room 2's Assembly. We performed Tutiria Mai Nga Iwi, played Old McDonald Had a Farm on xylophones and shared a movie of photos of us at School! Everyone did so well and it was a spectacular Assembly! Thank you to all the parents and families that came to support us us :) 

Thursday, June 16, 2016

Ashburton Museum Trip

On Thursday the 16th of June, Room 2 went on a trip to the Ashburton Museum. We learnt about lots of new things like how the Canterbury Plains were formed, all about mountains, rivers, glaciers and lakes and we also learnt about different types of rocks. We were lucky enough to get to learn about and feel some extremely rare and precious rocks. We also viewed art in the art gallery and looked at a lot of different things from a long time ago. Here are some photos of us at the Museum:

This is us viewing art that is made from recycled materials.

We pretended to be mountains, lakes, rivers, and glaciers to understand the process of the flat land that we live on being formed.

This is us jumping and pretending to be hot rocks, exploding out of a volcano!

Now we are compressed, flat rocks under the sea.

This was an awesome, interactive display which showed the process of irrigation.

This is us learning about different types of rocks.

Thursday, June 9, 2016

Volcano Experiment!

On Wednesday we made volcanoes! We used tin foil, cups, trays, baking soda, red food colouring and vinegar. First we constructed our volcanoes and put them into our trays. Then we mixed the liquid with the baking soda in the paper cups and watched the explosion! There was red bubbling and fizzing lava everywhere! Here are some photos of the fun:

Monday, May 30, 2016

Cross- Country

On Tuesday the 24th of May, we all participated in our School's cross-country. Here are some photos of us running towards the finishing line: 

Thursday, May 12, 2016

Congratulations Ryan!!

Ryan was awarded the Hampstead School student of the week award today, for always being kind and friendly and also for giving 100% in all areas of his learning. Congratulations Ryan! Keep up the awesome work!