Tuesday, March 15, 2016

ICT in Room 2

Each week, room 2 is lucky enough to spend some time on the laptops. We have been learning how to open programs such as Microsoft word, and we have been learning how to type. We can all type our names and other words we know too! Next time we will be leaning how to type sentences.

Thursday, March 10, 2016

PJ Day!!

Last Friday we had a mufti day and the theme was pajamas! We didn't even need to get dressed to come to school! Here are some photos of room 2 in their pajamas. 


For the first four weeks of term one we have been focusing on statistics during maths. We learnt about tally charts, bar graphs and pictographs. Here is some of our statistics charts we created together.

Painting in Room 2

Here is some photos of our art work we have created using our hand prints. We have been focusing on using paint in different ways to create as piece of art.

Room 2 Class Treaty and Manners Definition

In room 2 we came up with a definition as to what we think showing courtesy and having manners means to us. We also worked together to create a class Treaty that everyone has agreed to follow. We put hand prints around our Treaty as our way of signing the Treaty and agreeing to these rules.